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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A wish from an online friend

Wish from Genevieve in WA (Jan DTC group).

From an online friend
Originally uploaded by lanechinaadoption.

From an online friend

A wish from Lisa & Tate in Salt Lake City

From an online friend

From an online friend
Originally uploaded by lanechinaadoption.
A wish from Lee-Anne in Australia!

Sending to Jenn

Sending to Jenn

Sending to Desiree

Sending to Desiree

Sending to Georgette

Sending to Wanda

Sending to Wanda

Friday, February 24, 2006

Sending to Lorri Ann in AZ

Sending to Lorri Ann in AZ

From Texas!

From Texas!
Originally uploaded by lanechinaadoption.
A wish from Shelli in Texas!!!!!!

from Yi Shelby

from Yi Shelby
Originally uploaded by lanechinaadoption.
A wish from my sister Shelby!!!
So cute!
Thanks Shebbs!

Sending to Lee-Anne in Australia

Sending to Lee-Anne in Australia

Sending out to Raine in NH

Sending to Raine in NH

Sending to Carolyn in CA

Sending to Carolyn in CA

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Sending out to Susan

and Lisa

Saturday, February 18, 2006

And another.... This one is from Heather in Illinios.

Another one... from Sheryl

Wishes from more of my online friends!!!
This one is from Jen.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Wish received from one of my online friends!
This one is from Mary in TX

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sending out 2 more quilt squares and wishes to my online friends (Melinda and Carrie)!

Monday, February 13, 2006


Here are some squares I sent out to some of my fellow bloggers!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

My step-mom is going to put together our quilt for us, since she is a quilting pro :)
Here is the design she came up with. It has an extra row of triangles at the top in this picture, but there will be 10 rows of 10 triangles and will make a zig-zag type pattern going up the quilt.
So darn cute! Can't wait to see the finished project!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I have collected this fabric that I couldn't resist. I figured if there is anyone out there who just wants to send us a wish, I could use this fabric for their wish. The green panda fabric was given to me by my mom. I will probably use it for something else creative - it is flannel! So cute!

More stuff!

Thanks to "Lao-Lao" for the wish and cute fabric!