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Sunday, August 20, 2006

I have decided to stop posting individual squishes I receive. I have gotten so many!!! Thanks to everyone for sending them. I have decided to instead post pictures of the quilts I am working on. Here are the ones I am currently working on. The Year of the Dog quilt I just finished (top).

The next one is my Asian quilt. The squares are just laying on my spare bed right now (hope no one wants to come and visit!)

Then I have the Animal Attic Windows quilt. The rows are sewn across already. I need to sew the gold fabric between the rows and sew it together.

The last one is a ladybug quilt that is just laying on Mia's floor. Whew! I need to get going on these! I still have 2 more Animal attic windows to make too. One for Mia and one for my friend Julia's little boy. The one pictured here is for a gift for someone.

Friday, August 11, 2006